Michael J. Tighe Park

Whenever you visit a particular area, you should definitely try to visit as many places as you can. However, try not to spend too much time on various activities that will only stress you out. You might want to rest for a bit in the various parks located in the area. This way, you get to rest while exploring the beauty of the place at the same time. You will surely have a grand time in the area if you manage to explore various parks. This is the same when it comes to visiting the New Jersey area. There are actually a lot of parks out there. You just need to do some reading in order to learn more about the parks in New Jersey. There are a lot of websites on the internet that you can use in order to search for the best parks. With a little bit of reading, you will surely find the best ones.

While in the Freehold area, you should definitely go to Michael J. Tighe Park. It is actually situated at Michael J. Tighe Park, 65 Georgia Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728, USA. This particular park was formerly called the Liberty Oak Park. It is open to the general public and features a numer fo sports fields. Therefore, if you are an avid fan of sports, this is where you should go to in the NJ Freehold area. Also, this park is perfect for kids since it has various playground areas that they can use. Your kids will definitely have a fun and exciting time inside the park. They can play all day long. They can play to their heart’s content. Therefore, you should take the time to visit this particular park.

There are a lot of features inside the playground, including monkey bars and poles. There are also a number of climbing structures for children. You can be assured that your children will be safe because all of these attractions are also safe. There are also a lot of picnic grounds inside the park. Therefore, you can simply pack some picnic food for the entire family.

Make sure to stop by the Michael J. Tighe Park if you are in the NJ Freehold area.
